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25 Min Uplifting Pilates

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10 Min Energizer

Follicular • 12m

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  • 25 Min Uplifting Pilates

    Today's new class is an uplifting 25-minute Pilates series using optional ankle weights! We will flow through dynamic movements that leave you feeling refreshed.

    Level: Intermediate
    Equipment: Ankle Weights, Hand Weights
Duration: 25 mins

    Women's Health: Follicular

    For outfit and equipment li...

  • Express Standing Burn

    Welcome to another highly requested 17 min express standing series using your own body weight! This is the perfect full body series to burn out the legs, glutes, core, & upper body. I love squeezing in a quick standing series when I'm traveling or on busy days when I don't have a ton of time,...

  • Uplifting Booty

    I wanted to call this happy booty workout but I though that would be weird! So here we are!!
    An uplifting booty workout!
    Yes it's a lower body focused workout, but more importantly it's an uplifting motivational video for those days you need a little extra push!
    Optional ankle weights added :)