Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Hand Weights
Duration: 10 mins
Women's Health: Follicular
Get ready to boost your energy with this 10-minute Pilates workout. Optional hand weights are used. This series is designed with dynamic Pilates movements to refresh and energize!
For outfit and equipment links: www.tashafranken.com/theshop
Up Next in Hand Weights
LIVE full body workout & meditation
Join me for a full body workout using optional hand weights and ankle weights followed by a 5min meditation to reset and boost your mood!
Seated Arms
The perfect quick video to do when you're looking for a pregnancy friendly workout to strengthen your upper body in a comfortable seated position.
Added 3lb hand weights but feel free to modify or use your own bodyweight instead! If you don't have an exercise ball feel free to find another seated... -
Strong Abs & Arms
Level: Advanced
Equipment: Pilates Ball, Hand Weights
Duration: 18 mins
Women's Health: OvulatoryDay 4 of our five day Summer Abs and Arms challenge is here, one more day to go! This is an Abs & Arms focused class using an optional Pilates ball and hand weights. Get ready to sculpt your core, o...