Activate your inner thighs & set your booty on fire in this 25 min Pilates class. Using the Pilates ball and ankle weights for an added burn, we're starting with classical mat Pilates moves, before moving to standing for a spicy finisher.
Level: Advanced
Equipment: Pilates ball, Ankle Weights
Duration: 25 mins
Women's Health: Ovulatory
For all outfit & equipment links
Up Next in Lifted Booty
Booty Burner
Get ready to set your booty on fire with todays class! Using the options booty band and ankle weights, we will be targeting the glute muscles to help build the perfect booty. Thank us later!
Level: Advance
Equipment: Booty band, Ankle Weights
Duration: 34 mins
Women's Health: FollicularFor out...
7 Min Booty
This 7 minute workout using the optional booty band is sure to get your muscles burning! Lift and sculpt your booty while toning your legs in this quick & effective workout. Enjoy!
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Booty Band
Duration: 7 mins
Women's Health: OvulatoryFor outfit and equipment link...
Booty Burn | Reformer On The Mat
Starting off our 30 day program STRONG with this killer booty workout! Using moves to mimic the reformer machine, we will be targeting glute muscles to help build the perfect booty. You can thank us later!
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Resistance Band, Ankle Weights
Duration: 28 min
Woman's Hea...