Starting out with a gentle class to wake up the body. This is a mat class which targets all areas to help you feel good all day.
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Resistance Band
Duration: 33 mins
Women's health: Luteal, menstrual
For outfit and equipment links:
Up Next in Monthly Schedule
Max Power (TUESDAY)
Calling all our Pilates strength lovers - this one is for you! In this longer class, we're combining all the moves using a heavier weighted ring. Starting on mat, flow through this class before moving on to standing and ending with a moment for yourself to reflect on your hard work.
Level: Inte...
Low Impact Cardio Pilates (WEDNESDAY)
Today's workout is a super quick and effective standing cardio Pilates sculpt to work our upper body, core, legs, and glutes. Meet me on your mat.
Level: Advanced
Equipment: Ankle Weights
Duration: 21 min
Women's Health: FollicularFor outfit and equipment links:
No Repeat Full Body (FRIDAY)
Today's workout is a full body series using my favorite prop, the pilates ball! We will be sculpting from head to toe: abs, legs, glutes, arms in just 30 minutes.
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Pilates Ball
Duration: 30 mins
Women's Health: FollicularFor outfit and equipment links: